My friend make fun of me for no motivation!?

Hi, I'm twelve and a little underweight and so is my friend. We are both kinda just starting to develop our chest. We enjoy exactly the same size chest, but she makes fun of me because she wear a bra that is twice the size that she should be wearing. (I know this because she does dance so she wear a leotard without a bra.) She thinks I own a small chest because she looks at her stuffed chest then looks at mine! She makes fun of me contained by front of EVERYONE including guys!! And when she is not doing that she is ragging on my clothes. Another thing that really ticks me stale is that I put my trust in her with who I resembling. Then she screams it out to the WHOLE science class. This has happen twice and both the guys I like are in adjectives my classes including science! Other than those three things we are totally BFF's. We hang out at least 5 times a week and We dance on each others family vacation. We couldn't be closer. I don't want to drop her as a friend so I'm not gonna do that. And I have tried to talk to her something like it but she says "Awww look who is sensitive about their chest size" and starts making fun of me even worse! Please help out!!

Answers:    she doesnt seem like a totally good friend so u need to explain that to her so that she can see how miserable she is being. and if that dont work the next time she make fun of you infront of the class just start fake crying and ask her if u can own one of the tissues she stuffs in her bra. ahahaha.
she doesn't sound approaching a real Friend
and i know that's a hard point to swallow because she's you best friend. you should try to talk to her again. tell her that you trusted her and that she's hurting your awareness and if she still doesn't seem to give, than you should hang down with her. she's doing this to feel better give or take a few herself, i know you've heard that one before to, but honestly it's happen to ALL of us. next time she does it just embarrass her subsidise like, "well at least possible i dont stuff!" & if she pulls the whole "look who's sensitive' thing, afterwards seriously get mad! only keep sayin "you know ur lying! so cut it out cuz you know ur lying! what kind of friend make fun and embarrasses the other like this anyway?!" convey her that you still want to be friends but to SERIOUSLY cut. it. OUT! and that should do the trick...
good luck and hope this helps!.
she is trying to create you look bad to make her self get the impression better. try talking to her again if she still continues tell her you don't want to swing around some one who hurts your feelings, stop hanging out near her and hopefully she will realize what she is doing and how much she misses you. she is not a real friend. she is jealous of you. you want to get rid of this person. she is not your friend..
If she go to extremes like that to make fun of you, she isn't worth human being your best friend. tell her that you don't like what she doing and if she does not listen ask your mom. they other have good counsel.
She's not a real friend! just transmit her to lay off. a real friend woukdent do that.
Sounds similar to the kinda of friend i used to have...does she have any other friends?..if you close the eyes to her for a week or more she'll come begging you to be her friend again cause she misses you...but that's merely if she doesn't have any other friends..If she is making fun of you about your boobs, i bet the simply reason she's doing it is because she doesn't like how she looks any...and bagging on you makes her fell better/prettier...I've experienced this next to one of my used-to-be-best friends..I know how much it hurts...But one thing you need to do is start looking for a modern best bud...i don't mean dropping your friend for a new friend...but find one that is to say nice and doesn't like to bag on can still hang out with your hoary friend but you still will have a best friend that you can confide in.. and if you inevitability to talk you can e-mail me.. cause i've be there done that..
Good Luck!! =D

haha i like that one roughly crying and the tissue that was funny..and it would probably work..that would be the most embarrassing point you could do to was funny Justin S

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