My fiance is have a pitch-black brown discharge. it have be persistent for 1 week she's not pregnant (test taken)

my fiance has been have a dark brown discharge for the past week. and concluded her period a week and a half ago. she have a pregnancy test a week ago saying she be not pregnant and had a plan B pill 3-4 weeks ago. what does the brown discharge mean?
we be using durex ultra thin condoms and everything was fine, but on saturday, we used a trojan studded condom and very soon her vagina is hurting. could she be allergic to the trojan studded condom? or is there something else that we should be concerned about?

I hold brown discharge while have sex is this middle-of-the-road?

she could be sensitive to the spermicide surrounded by the condoms or she could be sore from the "studs" on the condom rubbing her inside. I'd say if it doesn't feel better contained by a few days then head to the gyno

Birth Control Question YAZ?

i dont know roughly the discharge but about the condom maybe trojan be to dry for her even if it comes with lubricant it happens sometimes so u should newly switch back to durex ultra thin but any she should go to the doctor to get check purely to be sure everything is right

I hear that brown discharge (from a woman) is a sign of precipitate that true?

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