Movement surrounded by stomach, and unsure of motivation, please serve?

I have been premonition a weird movement for about a week. also a thaw sensation and palpatation. i feel it when i just stir up in the morning mostly. i also feel some sort of palpatation as if it be my heart there. i could feel this morning it moving. and seem like a ball or something. first thought be that i could be pregnant (although i had my period typically but i did have sexual contact with my bf but i dont meditate we actually had sex a month ago and a partially ago). so i have been extremely worried and took a rob home pregnacy exam and i took it at nite and it was negative (it read it justly quickly). i will take another one tomorrow in the morning (when in that should be more hormones in my urine).

in codicil, i have read that it could be stress, nausea, and other health problems. i hold a history of stomach diseases in my family so perchance? or do you think i may be pregnant?
i am going the docs as soon as possible this week. just looked-for some answers from you guys! thanks

What does this tight?

pls see a doctor, u could be preggers. but if its pregnancy, it means your far gone- close to 3 , 4 or even 5 months before a baby can be feel that way "as if your heart is there" yeah, thats it,i think you are pregnant. it doesnt concern if you see ur period or not. but a doctor knows best.goodluck

I entail relieve, what basically happend?

powerfully u might be pregnant even if u get ur period monthly so it could be that or gas probably but any way see a doctor

UTI crisis, can i lift tylenol?

it may just be gas

Becoming a Delta is my dream. But I weigh within at 269lbs. WIl I hold to lose counterweight?

sounds close to your preggo! go get it checked out u doont wanna be on the john contained by 7 8 months time and **** out a baby

Cherry Juice, backing me!?

Upset stomach?
Ahh whats goin on??! assistance!?
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