Late time?

my period is almost a week late.
it's never similar to this.
but i'm kind of PMSing.
like my vertebrae is achy sometime i get little cramps and i've been charitable of moody lately.
i'm a virgin so i'm not pregnant.
so since i'm getting like cramps and stuff does that mean i'm going to find my period soon?

Anyone near ovarian cysts out in attendance??!!?

No need to verbs, it's common for periods to be belatedly (or early) especially in the first year. When I get symptoms such as your's I reckon my period is going to be soon, and it didn't come. But then it comes when I least possible expect it!

Late periods can also be caused by stress or a conversion in your diet, too. :)

Happy PMSing and goodluck!

Question for women: Do you sleep beside your bra on or bad at darkness?

probably. just skulk it might be late cause you stressed. relax

Pretty meaningful grill...please relief me!!?

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