Ladies singular poll: Have you ever have a bone density tryout?

Did that involve removal of all clothing? I suspect my doctor is not really a doctor...

Upset, formulate me chuckle?

Granny Crabtree: "And I suspect that yore bone is not really a bone!"

Has anybody gotten the Mirena IUD?

When my grandmom had to enjoy one, she was able to keep hold of her pants on, but had to remove her shirt and bra, however, she be given a gown to wear to cover up. I have heard where on earth they had people grasp naked to limit the contamination of the experiment by any buttons or rivets on pants or shirts but they're always given a gown to wear and not lay on the table totally naked and exposed. A lot of times an x-ray tech does the test and is not a licensed doctor or anything similar to that. I'm sure you could google your doctor and the state or city and find out info about them.


I have have the test, naked except for a gown. If you suspect your doc isn't really a doc, do not, (look at me when I utter this) do not go back to him until you find out for sure. You can call upon the medical association in your city (ie... South Carolina Medical Association) They will give you the address and phone # for this guy if he is planned, and you'll know if this is the location of his office.

Okz but oblige!?

No i haven't but i would like to hold a bone test on a certain man though and i;ll be the one doing the assessment lol ..Seriously i think you probably will have to whip it all off as they will own to take the test for the bones and short clothes is easier.Just like xrays you almost have to be nude beside a paper gown with no buttons or zippers.

Is it possible?

Maybe a skull density interview would be in order.

Whats up near me?

Ollie right to be heard, some doctors are so marrow minded.

I am Ollie Tabooger and I approve this message

Why do i own nipples?

I do the ladies hip bone density test for free.

Call 1 800 periscope down

How do i ask mom?

So I just confirmed my suspicions that you are contained by fact a woman. Or maybe you are wearing too much take home up.

Can someone be pregnant...if these things are up?

Bone density test? Are you thinking that I have a gluey skull?

Girls merely ...?

yep! sure have, but you don't remove your clothing!

NuvaRing ?'s, extremely Nervouse give or take a few trying this :(?

Yes, and adjectives my clothes were on.
Here in Canada blah blah blah polite and blah blah blah

My boobs hurt!?

When will it come??
Pcos! I involve facilitate!?
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