My partner say I enjoy bleak vaginal odour?

I have been near my fiance for over 4 years. He used to try to tell me to se vaginal douche until we saw an Oprah show together and a doctor explained why douching is not good (which I have been trying to convince him off for a long time) - anyway, my fiance still insists my vagina have an unpleasant smell and wants me to buy 'feminine soap' to use in the shower.

The article is - I really dont think it smells! We are trying to conceive and I check my cervical mucus several times a day for signs of fertility, and I never draw from a whiff of anything unpleasant. He doesnt believe me that a womans vagina should naturally hold a musky smell.
I work in a hot kitchen and it is currently 36 degrees outside where on earth we live - Is it unreasonable to expect a little odour when I come home from work....

Any suggestions?

Answers:    My boyfriend and I ran into duplicate problem last year. I know douching isn't naturally respectable...however, I douche maybe once every three months. If not, when you take a hip bath, stretch yourself open and let the dampen flush through you, or make a homemade douche with only just water, enough to swab away in a way to aid your body naturally cleanse. So downsizing when he wouldn't go down on me because of that "musky" smell...and apparently men don't know the scent of a woman. I had to explain that even he has the smell of sweat or sex when I dance to work on him.

To make it sexy, I suggested we both take a tub and "you get to bathe me." This agency, once we were done, any scent lingering be indeed my natural scent, and if he had a problem beside that he had a problem with me.

Yes, any hot conditions WILL increase odor. I worked within a bakery for 5 months.tell me about it.

Hope this help..
Oh yes, expect a little odor if working in hot conditions. :) I agree that women own a normal SLIGHT musky smell - so either you two simply have different opinions on smell or he's mortal a little sensitive. In any case, if it really bothers him consequently I'd try feminine soap or maybe see a gyno and ask if the smell is normal or crude. yes, douuching is not good at all!

every woman have slight vaginal odour - its totally normal! your body has to essentially clean itself somehow. discharge etc, is the way womens bodies work!

if you really are self-conscious with your partners comments, discuss to him about it.

yes, it will always smell a bit more after a long, hot day - but thats just resembling every other part of your body too!

you could see a gyno or normal doc only to check - they will know straight away!

good luck!
if that was my partner i would not agree to him down there, also go to see your doctor if theres anything wrong, and don't use pungent stuff in bath or shower as it can irritate you down below and bequeath you infections/thrush. bath in saline water thats what i was told and it works. He doesn't believe you? Nice guy. NOT. Sorry. You are right, adjectives people (men included) have their own musky scent. Maybe he's lately not attracted to your scent.

.You can try feminine sprays or soaps if you are interested..
elbavolnu is totally right listen to her :D its normal.
Any part of the body that sweats can be prone to odor (just resembling your underarms). If you're washing with soap and hose down daily and the odor isn't coming directly from your vagina (which would indicate an infection) then I would tend to ponder it's a "sweat"odor, and all you can do for that is to go swimming right before sex. And if your fiance is SO insensitive as to behave the way he is beside regard to YOUR body...well, you may want to re-examine not only having a little one but marrying this bozo as well.

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