Is this considered cheating?

say u have a bf/gf 4 years you live together every piece, is it cheating if you are emotional involved with s/o else plan you set a side time daily to talk 2 them you love them and tons times you even think of that person while haveing sex near ur gf/bf is it worse if you tell the other person how u discern about them ? also is it worse if the gf/bf nos that u talk to this other creature but dont know how much ??

Answers:    Yes, that's cheating. Emotional cheating is only one step away from an affair. And if you're thinking of screwing that other party while you're actually having sex next to your partner, then there's A REALLY HUGE PROBLEM here.

If you have ANY respect for your partner, you break it stale with the other person or you break it past its sell-by date with your partner. You're being totally insensitive and stupid and hurtful to do anything else..
My boyfriend and I define cheating as: anything that you wouldn't want the the other to do to you, anything that you would be uncomfortable beside.

So think about how you would grain if your bf/gf set time aside for someone daily, or thought about them during sex. If that would hurt you, afterwards chances are it will hurt them too. Emotional Cheating is still cheating.

If they know you are "friends" but do not know the extent of your relationship [feelings and what not] then they are probably okay beside you being friends and aren't worried about it, so for you to verbs this behind your gf/bf's back is betraying their trust.

If you are worried just about what you are doing being considered cheating then it seem that you have a guilty conscience.

I say cut ties beside the new person unless you are truly forlorn with your significant other of 4/5 years. Either way don't string the other along, it may be rugged, but it is the mature decision to label if you care about any person involved.

Hope this helps you honey! Good luck!.
I don't focus it's cheating! It's just little crush on the other person.

If you live together for so long, it's fluent to happen. Don't worry, the thought to another person may go away near time!
I'm married and I had the same piece..
It would be considered an emotional affair and can be just as risky as a physical affair. In both situations your feelings are being split between two inhabitants - you are not being loyal. It happens.but you stipulation to work it out before too many family are hurt. Yes, I mean you guys are living together, right? It's not right to do that, if you live with someone it's indistinguishable thing as being married to them. Good Luck. .
Yea, to be exact considered cheating. You should decide which person you close to the most and forget the other person. Good luck! yup, thats totally cheating!.
Well to me cheating doesn't occur unless within is a physical touch. Some would say that ur cheating, but I think you've only fallen out of love and want to move on. Go ahead and engineer the move and stop draggin the current girl with you.

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