Is Masturbation a "sin"?

Answers:    no, it just feels good.
a normal body function.
something you can do yourself.
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Some Religions regard masturbation as a "Sin" sometimes referred to as "self abuse" and can be viewed as "Taboo" or "Dirty" it is common for the ignorant and uninformed to preach against it to induce fear and guilt as a means of controlling the behavior and thoughts of others.It is often taught that it causes all sorts of nasty things to happen, like blindness, hairy palms, promiscuity, perversion, and even madness or mental illness or cancer and other terminal illnesses.
This is completely untrue, masturbation does not cause ANY illness; physical or mental. It is a natural part of sexual development, and unless there is an infection or injury to the genitals, it will not harm you in any way.
As to it being a sin, I suppose it is if you adhere to the belief that it is a sin, and it is not if you don't adhere to that belief, it is all relative to what you believe within your self.
I think that the harmless self pleasure of masturbation pales in comparison to all the truly awful things that human beings seem to do to each other.
Actually, its quite difficult to say. I've tried to interpret this myself, and this is my findings. Masturbation itself, with nothing else around it, no thought or mind, is in fact not a sin. But while in midst of masturbation, you think of another person out of wed-lock, then that is adultery and is in fact a sin.

"You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matthew 5:28

"But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell." Matthew 5:27-30.
yes it is. according to the bible anything that is not done by faith is sin. faith comes by hearing, hearing the word of god. so to understand the the two definitions what its actually saying is that anything that goes against the written word of god is sin. okay the next definition i will give you is from the definition of love:Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."
as you can see in the definition of love. that love is not self seeking. masturbation is self seeking act of pleasure for oneself. okay lets put this all together. if sin is going against the written word of god and the act of a self centered action is clearly opposed in the definition of love then we have to say that masturbation is a sin. to further this, one of the functions of the holy spirit is that it condemns the world of sin. what this means when you do something that is wrong the holy spirit will give you a sense that this act or anything else that is sin by convicting your conscience that what you did was wrong.after you have masturbated or in the act thereof ever felt something telling you this is wrong. this is the holy spirit. i know many of you by reading your answers have trouble with this subject. i hope this may clear up any misunderstanding you may have.
I wish I could really ask God and know the real answer to give you and me but I ask and I hear only what I have been taught is the truth through the Holy Bible. But then I ask why would it be so sinful if it is ingrained in us to procreate and not all of us are able to find partners in life. depends on your religeon...if your thoroughly christian and everything, then yeah it is, but if you dont belong to a particular religeon or anything then its okay..most males between ages 17 to 27 do it twice a day! dunno about women though but i guess their less open about it..
like some other people have said, it depends on your religion. but i believe that sex was a concept intended for married couples to enjoy together. i would consider it a sin because your wasting what God gave you to give to your husband on yourself. really depends on religion and how you study that religion i am a christian but i do not believe that it is something horrible. Others who may also be christian may have much different opinions, it is really up to you and your relationship with your religion..
It's healthy, normal, common, and fun, and you shouldn't let religious bullshit make you think otherwise. That's a ludicrous fable that someone who is afraid of dying and so prays to an invisible man in the sky told you. It depends on your religion. I'm a Christian but i don't believe it''s a sin even though it says so in the bible because I choose not to believe the bible word per word. I think its a natural act of human nature..
According the puritan repressed fundimentalists it is.

Masturbation is a normal and healthy practice. Go for it..
I don't think it is besides almost everybody does it.. Guys and girls. I mean its natural. But, I haven't really heard of any religions that say its a "sin".. Uh, I don't think so...Depending on your religion, it doesn't say in the bible: "Thou Shall Not Masturbate".

Ha ha, I'm only making a joke about it, but no it's not.

You could ask a priest, although it would be very awkward.
everytime you masturbate God kills a kitten :( shame, shame
to the Cristian's, yes, but its a natural part of life, NO JOKE, I read it in a science book and it said that animals do it too..
Since it is a common behavior in human and animal world,it is not a sin. it has nothing to do with sin because it part of nature and it just the way we have urges to do it.
I honestly don't see how it would be. The body has needs and it expects you to fulfill them. You cannot control your sex drive. I don't see how its a problem if you do it to yourself. Yes, God is watching you with a mad face everytime you do it.
but well seriously, it supposedly is..
oh dear, i have excessive sin due to excessive masturbation. lol..oh father, i seek for your forgiving.. Yes you will go to hell for jacking off.

Does that sound right to you?

Do you know that people who don't masturbate have high chances of getting wet dreams?.
it is, my hands grew hair on them as proof. do you know what its like to have hairy hands? seriosly though, no. what sounds worse to you, pregnancy or masterbaition. In itself, no, but it's pretty difficult to masturbate without lusting, which is a sin..
According to Christianity yes.
*sigh* sadly I'm sinning right in about 5 mins when that girls gone wild infomercial comes on. I am not as familiar with the Bible but I dont recall that as being mentioned as a sin sex outside of marriage is a sin. but I dont think sex with yourself count's
Yes it is sexual pleasure without the intent to procreate. i used to worry about that..but then i realized that i dont think its anythign bad..its a natural thing, and its ok to touch your own body .
i think so because it build up false and bad intentions which can result in unnormal attitude. it mostly depends in what you and, or your religon believes..
not at all any medical professional will tell you its 100% natural and it is healthy to explore your own body not necessarily because it depends on your religion and how your raised

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