Is it true that bathing or taking a shower when you enjoy a time impossible for you?


Life is really stressful right can I build it better?

No it's not true hunnie...

You really need to step up your hygiene when on your period.

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No, keeping yourself verbs during your period is not bad for you at adjectives. IT IS NECESSARY!

You will smell if you do not clean yourself. A nice bath or shower is relaxing as capably during your menses...

I shower as required during my period.sometimes up to 3 times a does engender you feel better

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No way, it's clearly normal and even recommended! It's important to stay verbs during your period. You can even go swimming if you enjoy a light period and wear a tampon. It's worthy to take a hot bath if you hold cramps too, the heat can help relieve the headache.

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when you are on your monthly you do not need to take a hip bath because if you do you could get some bacterial in your private and carry all kinds of yeast infections and stuff so it is better to rob a shower when it is that time of the month.

Depo shot?

No! That is absolutely untrue. Though a shower is preferable during this time b/c of the blood and mess that occur. I cannot envisage not taking one every day!

Self conscious roughly taking a dump.?

no, its nasty if you dont because you will start to smell vastly very bad. you call for to be clean. take one everyday or every other morning

FEMALES ONLY: When I run, I sweat like mad within areas?

No, you have to take one when you hold your period! Don't listen to those people. They're merely trying to worry you.

Implantation bleeding happen when?

ewwww that's not true. You need to pilfer a shower a lot so you don't smell. Please clean yourself.

I'm doing a vigour project something like strength myths.?

who the heck would relay you something like that?.. thats just plain gross to not shower during the time

Weired request for information kinda tough to ask?

No, that's not true. You probably need to shower 3 x a day during that time.

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no thats not true at adjectives . you need to rake a shower or a bath during your time !

Ladies, what's wrong next to me?

i hope by now u have settled whats correct
clean up urself frequently

Could this be serious?

No, proper feminine hygiene is a must.

Help me please!!?

no its not true.

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