Is it too in arrears for me?

Hey, thanks for taking the time to answer my question.

I'm 16 years out-of-date..and have suffered with horrible depression adjectives my life. I missed out on so many opportunity because of how sick I've been. Now, thank God, I'm starting to wake up and come out of my depression.

Now I'm face with what I've done, and feel approaching my life is over. My grades have dropped horribly, and I'm not doing alot of the things I'm expert at.

Now I want to..but I it too late? Is my life as I know it over beside?

Answers:    it's absolutly NOT too late!!
just start to gain more involved with your school work. you're going to enjoy to work extra hard to bring your grades up if youre planning on going to a good college, but that shouldnt be too tricky as long as you stick to it. you still have one or two more years in highschool to do that.

as for everything else, combine whatver clubs and sports youd like and as much as youd like because colleges approaching to see that on applications (: & youll get to be doing what you love.

good luck beside everything (:.
never say never :)
Have a chat to your teachers, explain whats be happening and ask for a way to draw from your grades back up again wether its through extra credit or through extra study time.
Get back into your hobbies- dont verbs so much if you dont feel quite up to doing it only just yet, just do it and youll be amazed at how in a flash the fulfillment will flow once you get back into it.
One concept to keep you motivated may be to get some couselling- in recent times to keep you on track so that you dont slip back. Good luck..although im sure you wont call for it and you will do great :).
No! You can totally re-work your life, and the best part is a moment ago starting! If you put your mind to it, you can undoubtedly correct as many wrongs as possible! Just don't give up or capture sunken further into depression! It's never too late to change! It is never too behind to live again. The only time it will be too late is if you're insensible. Don't Worry. So wake up and come out of that depression and life your life span. I wish you all the luck contained by the world.
No your life isn't over with it is only just getting good! You are young honey. Sometimes it merely takes a lot to travel wrong for you to rise up and realize what the right thing to do is.

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