Is it possible to loose 5ibs a week? for a long time

i know its easy to it for the first week, but would it be possible to sustain this amount weekly for like 13 weeks? wats the most you can loose a week? i know thats its 3ibs healthily but what is it from crash dieting? ino its precarious, not lectures please!

Answers:    I don't think that is a erudite thing to do. It is possible, but would be harmful to your vigour since that implies you are 65 pounds heavier than you want to be. Weight watchers suggests 1-2 pounds per week to be safe. But long occupancy you have to change your drinking habits and exercise habits and not consume more calories than you burn. A pound is equivalent to consuming something like 3500 calories. The typical person eats individual 2000-3000 per day depending on body size and physical activity. So 5 pounds is 17,500 calories per week. Assume you devour 2500 calories per day comes to 17,500 calories per week. So you have to totally quit consumption for a week or exercise so much you burn 17,500 calories per week. So if you cut back to 1250 calories per day afterwards you could lose 8750 calories per week which is 2.5 pounds. That would be difficult, hence WW's suggestion of 1-2 pounds per week is more realistic. Cutting your calories too much or exercising too much is NOT healthy. I suggest you see a doctor and marry some kind of program. I am biased to Weight Watchers, because it helped me lose 30 pounds within 9 months and I have been competent to keep 25 of those off for 2 years. It be the best money I ever spent. I cut back on calories using their point system and I tried to walk 15 miles per week plus the commonplace yard work I do. There are other good programs available. All seem to be to work short term, but the tough part is to preserve it off long term. Good luck..
it is possible, but you would hold to survive on very little, like lettuce and rime cubes, you would faint all the time and hold no energy, your skin would become dull and your hackle rank, then you would become so irritated you would stop and any mass loss would come straight back on. It's REALLY unhealthy but I'm sure its possible, I don't recommend it.
ask long as you drink healthy and exercise at least 3 times a week it should be no problem. :D Health prudent no its not 1-2lb per week is average..
idk it could be

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