Is here anything I can do to touch better when moral ol' AF comes around?

I always get so sick when it is "that time of the month." I find shaky and dizzy, light headed, headache, EXTREMELY BAD cramping (it pretty much doubles me over if I don't take my ibuprofen, no joke), etc. basically, the full shabang. All I normally do is take ibuprofen, but I enjoy to take so much of it, i know it isn't good for my body. I really don't know what to do, I know taking birth control regulates and make periods less intense, but I also stopped taking it because it made me sick within other ways. I really would love to hear some ideas on what you other women do or have hear that work. Also, please don't say to just dance see my doctor, I plan on doing that, just would like to hear if anyone else have been or is in alike boat and what they do to help. Thanks in finance.

How do u kno where on earth ur g-spot is?

try pamprin

Is near something wrong near me?

dance when no one is around, seriously try it.

hot bathe, heat pad on your belly.

me i try to sleep alot.

not much else i give attention to, except maybe get pregnant.

Does anyone enjoy anything worthy to enunciate roughly Balziva, the generic of Ovcon 35?

The first piece to do is take a pill for the pain such as Pamprin or Midol. They will exhaust cramping, bloating and sometimes moodiness. When I have my period I'm surrounded by alot of pain to and a number of things work. I try to exercise when I'm on my extent to get rid of cramps, if that doesn't work I'll take a nice hot tub and that relieves them really well. Sometimes on bad days those simply don't work and I just sit on the couch, watch TV or movies and guzzle chips, it might sound like a unpromising idea since moping about a term doesn't help, but it makes me perceive better.

Whats your faveourit colour and why?

Help girls merely?
Weird sharp bone affliction during sex...?
What are some dutiful house hold things to masturbate near?
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  • My stomach have be hurting and i hold have rectal bleeding for more than 5 days immediately abet!!

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