I'm on birth control Alesse, and i basically finished the pills near the hormones surrounded by them. no spell?
I'm getting really worried and not sure if i'm pregnant or not. I know it's early since it's only be 3 days after but it's never happened before.
Please someone, i involve to know if i'm just over thinking it or if there's a chance i'm pregnant :(. I'm individual 16. and my boyfriend is getting a little worried too. I just want to know if it's possible to skip a extent on Alesse or if it's possible for your period to be late after 4 months on birth control.
Please oblige. :(
Answers: You period may come any time during the 7 day no-hormone interval. You might be worrying prematurely...it may come withing the next 3-4 days, and in that covering it's still normal. If it doesn't...then you might hold some cause to worry...but I still believe that pregnancy is unlikely. In the adjectives...make sure you do whatever possible not to miss any hormone pill doses...and convey them with you to take them as soon as possible contained by case you do forget. Finally, it is possible to skip a period -- but it's more expected that Alesse will just reduce your menstrual flow considerably, but not completely..
I'm within a similar situation- I've been taking the sugar pills since Sunday and still waiting for my period. I have a sneaking suspicion that it may take a few days to get your term meaning anytime during the 7 days with the green pills. Also I did hear Alesse lightens your time of year, meaning it will be shorter and less unhealthy. I would say wait a few more days, hopefully the length will come. Contraceptive hormon use sometimes cause a missed period and now and then secondary amenorrhea.Wait 2 more days than have a pregnancy trial (it will be negative)than start taking your contraceptive pills..
I took Alesse and it was awful for me. My period be NEVER anywhere close the the sugar pills. It might be the way your body is reacting, not necesarily your pregnant. appropriate luck! there is a chance of pregnancy as youv missed a pill.,that couldpromote your body to ovulation,and have unprotected sex could of fertilised that egg!so yes theres a chance!
you could just be in arrears though,when i was on combined pills it took me 5 days into the pill free week before i get my period,so try not to worry ,if it doesnt come though since starting your next set of pills then produce sure you take a pregnancy test!as even if you wasnt pregnant ,it isnt a physical period,therefore when you stop the pills you should own withdrawal bleeding!
goodluck and get a trial!x