Im going to be 14 contained by January should i lose my virginity?

my cousin wants me to wait till bridal but no one does that anymore! what do you guys think?

Answers:    Waiting for bridal has many benefits. I did, and I'm so appreciative I waited. God commands it within the Bible, if that matters to you. Secondly, there won't be any 'problem' pregnancies, issues beside STDs, or undue emotional investment in a entity with whom you ultimately part ways..
Please skulk until you are old enough emotionally to fiddle with the feelings that go along near sex and until you are financially able to take vigilance of a child if you happened to get pregnant.

Don't put yourself into a situation if you don't enjoy to. You have plenty of years to be sexually active. Don't grow up too promptly..
Sex is a beautiful thing that should be given to someone special.
Chemically it will bond you to the creature you have sex with. An example of this bonding is when you see a babe-in-arms goose bond to it's mother.

So, when you choose your sexual partner you need to make sure they are forgiving, kind, understanding, never spiteful, rude, always seeking your best interst. Other wise, it's close to you give away your new saloon to an idiot who can't drive.

Believe it or not but more and more young people today are waiting until after giant school to lose their virginity. Check out this MTV article that discusses the topic of teen sex:

btw, I waited until I be 21 to have sex for the first time and I ended up marry that man. It was the best decision I could enjoy ever made because now we have that much more of a special intimate relationship..
I agree that the unharmed 'wait until marriage' thing is overrated. But you shouldn't sleep with someone in recent times to do it. You should wait until you actually love someone to share yourself near. Whatever you choose be careful, you never know if someone has an std or if you are going to find pregnant. You will not be 14 forever. You will grow up and have a much more mature look at the situation and regret it. Besides, once your reputation is ruined, it is frozen, if not impossible to regain it. There is a lmovie on lifetime that addressed this issue..
14 is passageway too young. Wait until you know you've found the right person and you're sure you love them. You don't own to wait until marriage lately until you are ready. Make sure you don't get pressured into have sex either. Wait until you are ready. Just because you are 14 doesn't be determined that you are ready. Waiting is definitely a better choice now with all the diseases everywhere and teen pregnancy is also a big risk..
hun are you on drugs?
I lost mine at 14.The worst mistake of my life!
I was call a whore cause the guy told everyone an everyone asks for sex and everything now.
dont do it.Wait till you are married..
Your wayy to infantile!
and what would you do if you got pregnant.
that would just not be worthy.
i suggest you wait till your mature satisfactory and ready
i highly doubt your organized.
.No sweetie, don't do it yet. Wait until your ready. If you're asking a cross-question about losing it, then you shouldn't enjoy sex yet. You shouldn't do something because you think "everyone" else is doing it.

Do what feel right for you..
you should at least wait until after are too many risks are you are too young! 14 is means of access too young. Are you crazy?.
you're a child. grow up first ur tooo young dont !

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