Im curious something like ovulation

hi its me again just wonderin about ovulation does that close-fisted first day of your period cuz i a sticky whte kinda liquid discharge keeps comin out srry bout my questions juss curious first time have period :]

Answers:    Yep, your ovulating you are going to have your time of year soon. When you ovulate whitish clearish goo/mucus comes out..
The first day of your period respectively cycle is called Day 1. Ovulation happens around daylight 14 (on average, but not for every woman--I ovulate on day 19 or 20) and is typically accompanied by a egg-white looking discharge specifically clear and stretchy or can leave a circle spot on your underwear. If this is your first period and you are seeing that character of discharge, you could maybe expect your period contained by the next 2-3 weeks!

good luck!.
Ovulation is the process contained by the menstrual cycle by which a mature ovarian follicle ruptures and discharges an ovum (also known as an oocyte, womanly gamete, or casually, an egg) that participates within reproduction. Ovulation also occurs in the estrous cycle of other animals, which differs contained by many fundamental ways from the menstrual cycle No.

While the cycle varies a bit from woman to woman, ovulation usually occur 12-14 days AFTER your period - never with it. Your time of year is the breaking down of the uterine lining in preparation for your subsequent ovulation..
You generally ovulate 14 days after the first day of spell, but it can be anytime if you're not regular. Discharge when ovulating is runny and stringy and clear. Sticky and white is usually right before your period. Ovulation is not the first light of day of your period. Ovulation actually occur about 14 before your term. Go to to learn more about your cycles. Also could assistance you as well. .
This white stuff will come out for the first year before your extent. its normal. I just have mine as well for the first time. And right before you bring back it, you'll get brown dis-charge for the first day and thn your length! Your first day of your period is the first light of day of your cycle. You should ovulate on or around the 14th day of your cycle if you have regular period.

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