Flavoured condom consumed?
Answers: First off, I foresee some super funny answers to this interview. Especially as you only got 5 bucks for it. Dude, you get ripped off.
Yes, eating a condom can formulate you ill... but I'd be more concerned that you ate his semen. Bodily fluids are a dangerous item... ever heard of HIV or Hep C?
Have fun getting tested and have fun one ill..
Okay, just close to when little kids swallow quarters and poop them out just fine, your swallowing a condom will also turn out fine. You'll a moment ago poop it out, though there may be a turd in it, ha ha!
And as for it individual in your lungs, you'd know. Just swallowing liquid down "the wrong pipe" cause coughing and choking. I'm assuming that's not the case with you, as you're writing this truthfully well and not at the ER for breathing obstruction.
Trust me, it'll "miss.".
Well I don't think you are going to die. But you might feel a bit sick to your stomach. You should step to the doctor, trust me the doctor wont laugh (I know this because my cousin got a toy stuck up here and had to go to the doctor) and inform him or her the story. Remember it has to come out at some point. I also dont think its within your lungs. man you are the dumbest ************ i've ever seen, but your questions are funny as hell so, respect.
Sounds approaching just a normal morning with the guys. I would have compensated twenty, but whatever. haha your name should be condom eater..
Dude.. I thought you be a food eater.. not a c-o-c-k sock eater Oh dear God,
I hope you die just for typing that..
I love stupid people.