Im 13 and i.?

Im 13 and i
am not feeling myself.
Lately like everything i
devour or drink
or dont eat or drink
makes me surface as if im going to throw up.

When i run, eat, drink, or just move alot i have a feeling that way.
wtf is wrong with me?

Circumcised and self grimy?!?!?!?

"shift to a doctor" isnt an answer ppl, jeez.. how long have u been similar to this? was it sudden or come gradually? could be hormone related. It could be allergies as resourcefully, i know a couple friends who feel like crap during allergy season approaching you have described. I dont know, but theres my 2 cents.

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You could have a stomach problem. You should agenda an appointment with a Gastro doctor. Let your parents know, and ask them to bring you. First see you regular doctor for highly reccomended docs that specialize contained by things like that.

I was other nauseas, and I had esophogitis. So, probably have a medical condition, and it requires medical attention. Please do to your doctor.

righteous luck !

I hold a sound out just about my shipment!!?

maybe u need to get through more food so u dont be dehydrated. if u dont eat or drink more, u pass by out cold. happened to me when i was coming come from college from the train, i didnt have a snack or dinner for 4 hours from rochester, new york to cleveland, ohio. when i was riding next to my dad to take me home, i feel gentle of airsick cuz i didnt eat anything so i told him to stop the car and tolerate me have some fresh air and he took me to burger king so i can be better. thats not righteous for me to do that to be dehydrated. its dangerous and its not in shape. i learn my lesson from that. eat and drink more! ask ur parent to buy more food so u wont stay hungry similar to a evil yeti! LOL

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that happened to me.. i would wake up premonition sick.. I would be like sick all daylight or be totally fine.. my stomach would flip out at something small one day and make me sick and the subsequent day id munch through the same thing and i would be fine.. i go to the doctor.. got many various vials of blood taken and an ultrasound and i am now on this pill that works really well.. transport me a message for the name of it but i dont feel approaching getting up to look at the bottle

Girls ages 14-20?

you need to go see your doctor. it could be profoundly of things, some of them could be serious, or it could be no big deal. either road, if you're feeling sick you have the right to own your doctor help you feel better.

Yaz Birth Conrtol Pill?

You probably aren't getting adequate nutrients. Just go get some supplements at you local drug store resembling Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Fish oil etc. When you going through puberty your body needs more nutrients so if you can't acquire that from food then get it from those supplements!!

Good luck!

Had a laproscopy 7 days ago and i have sex and i could obtain pregnant, would that be unpromising?

I know you said you are singular 13 but are you sexually active? if so you may be pregnant and you should get it checked out. i be pregnant at a very very young at heart age and i had the same signs.

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I would step to the doctor because these sound pretty serious.
It sounds as if you might have something similar to mono or maybe even just the flu.

Hymen trouble?

I in actual fact don't know too much, but I've heard of a similar situation and it was diabetes.

Would you be concerned...?


Chest niggle?

Maybe you should progress to the doctor and get a professional opinion?

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Its call, go to a doctor.

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how about recitation your parents to make you a doctors appt. that would be smart

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