If i own clear, stretchy discharge, what does that be a sign of?
Answers: Stretchy, clear discharge is normally referred to as eggwhite cervical mucus. It is a fertile cervical mucus that indicates you are roughly speaking to ovulate. For women trying to concieve, this is the perfect time to have intercourse. For women who are trying to avoid pregnancy, avoid have sex at this time and atleast 2-5 days more, or atleast use a backup form of birth control.
Since he didn't come near you at all, you should be fine.
This discharge is completely mundane. and, yes, if you are ovulating, you are not pregnant because pregnancy stops ovulation..
That type of discharge usually does mean you are ovulating. The reason for the consistency person like that has to do near giving sperm a better chance to get to the egg. The merely thing that it means is that you are ovulating, which contained by turn means you're not pregnant. This can be a sign for you in the adjectives, since you are irregular..
im not sure what it means. i get it too, mostly after i own been sick like near a cold. its weird. i think its in recent times something to do with periods though, zilch to worry about!