I stopped breast feed. what should i do to stop the milk from my breast?

Do i need some medicine or ...? how to hold that milk out? is it dangerous? will it cause infections? restlessness?????

Answers:    Wear a tight fitting ,good support bra 24 hours a day.Placing rime packs on your breasts several times a day will serve as well. Eventually your production will stop on its own. Doctor's do not give medication anymore to help it dry up.
Taking ibuprofen will help beside any pain.Whatever you do, DO NOT express the milk and do not apply heat. It will of late make your body keep producing. .
Now that you've arranged to be done with breast feeding the milk will stop self produced on its own. You'll still get that 'letting down' action from time to time and you'll still lactate until you're finally done producing. The rule is, you'll simply produce what you need so it really won't take that long. Just brand name sure while you're trying to stop producing you don't allow your breasts to be over-stimulated. Doing that will make your body react as if more milk is needed. Also, while you're waiting to stop producing don't forget to wear those super-absorbent pad inside of your bra because you will still leak on occasion. Gotta love the human body. i reckon that the milk just dries up or something if you stop after awhile. So keep baby's mouth sour your tit and it should just naturally stop itself. Or if that doesn't work consult a doctor. Or if that's out of the question, um milk those bad girls i.e. your breast into an empty container. The choice is yours ultimately merely choose wisely.
The milk will eventually stop after you stop breast feeding the tot. To avoid the excess milk coming out, ask your husband to drink that excess milk. Both your problems will get solved. You should try to breastfeed for at least a year as it's supposedly tremendously good for the baby, and help you lose lots of weight

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