I enjoy ovarian pains?
The odd thing is that I'm fine up until midday, and then the pains start. Taking painkillers doesn't luxury the pain at all and i find myself contained by agony until about 5pm when they subside.
I'm going to make a doctors appointment, but does anyone own any idea what this may be? I find it really bizarre and don't understand how i can achieve the pains everyday at a certain point.
When i have the distress it's like a constant dull ache, but i also gain sharp stabs too. I have a coil fitted that hasn't been checked nonetheless, could this be the problem? (I've had it in since November).
Answers: Yes, the coil could be an issue for some of this headache. Another possibility is that of a cyst (an example only).
Some kinds of birth control can have the potential to rationale cysts for some women.