I reflect im anemic!? can someone please read this and confirm-preferably a doctor!?

So i went on this trip to europe with a group and some leaders for 3 weeks. it be amazing. But the food wasnt. we only had pasta 3 times and we be in italy. we mostly had potatoes, breaded chicken and bread. it be all the cheap stuff at each restaurant. i singular had veggies like 3x and pretty much consisted of the final two days of the trip! before the trip i ran and biked resembling i usually do, did pilates and ate my colorful meals like everyday. i expected to eat lots of veggies, but wound up eating crap and i solely pooped twice in 3 weeks! i pooped everyday before that trip. towards the finishing i got drained and sick one day and i begin being cold alot more when it was close to 90-110 so i think my body just form of lost it during that transition. could i be anemic now? i always researched that and i never have most of the symptoms. but i got home and wanted to ride my bike so discouraging but now im always tired and cold when its resembling 80 and my mom wants me to go to a doc and win bloodwork. i eat alright, but i still only poop every other afternoon and i havent been drinking my water similar to crazy anymore. so i have all of the symptoms, zilch crazy tho like the nails and light skin tho. please if you can help me that would be great. i would hate to oblige people(read my profile) and tell them what to eat and how habitually to exercise when i can barely roll out of bed each light of day. its summer and i wanted to get my wager on and ready for spring track so i need to fix this! if you want more info in recent times email me!

Answers:    LOL It's not permanent anemia. You are probably slightly anemic, but it sounds more like nutritional shock. The best piece to do is get beck to your usual diet and exercise routine as soon as possible. It will be hard, but the longer you lurk, the harder it will be. Boost your iron and vitamin C intake... Eat more green veggies. You will be fine, but it may take about a month to procure back on track. I did the same point one summer. Not in Italy, but the family I stayed near were German, and ate lots of potatoes and buttered bread and fried apples, etc. Took me a good month of outstandingly hard work to get support on track..
Doctors don't hang out on WomenAnswers.org, babe. They hang out at doctors' office, which is where you should go to homily to one. Any time you have a serious medical concern, you need to turn to somebody near an education in drug, not to the internet. Sounds to me like you're just exhausted.

It's pretty average to have "irregular" poops when you go overseas. Being jetlagged and out of your common eating, diet and comfort routine can often create this. Once you've been home for a while, that should settle down (once every two days is not abnormal, BTW).

Feeling cold when it's thaw outside? That just sounds like you might own a mild fever. Again, not so unusual with that type of travel, especially if you're worn down.

My post is travelling overseas. That's what I do for a living. I'm not a substitute for a doctor (though I'm married to one!), but what you've described sounds like the classic symptoms after a 3 week overseas holiday for being jetlagged, worn out, past its sell-by date your normal diet, and catching a virus/cold - something I've gone through dozens of times!

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