I abhor seeing the blood from my extent?

it just makes me sick and i abhor to whipe because i can see the blood and its just gross what can i do to stop that btw ive only have my period for a couple months oh and what medicine is perfect for cramping

Answers:    I know, the blood grosses me out, too. Try using tampons instead of pads because it's internal protection and you won't have to see the blood as much.

As for cramping, three ibuprofens work for me. Curl up contained by the fetal position adn try to sleep. When you wake up, your cramps will be gone..
There's nothing you can do to stop the bleeding... it's unprocessed for everyone. Tampons can help reduce the blood flow so adjectives you have to do when you're ready to exchange tampons is take some toilet paper and verbs on the string to pull it out (it may hurt the first few times you do this until you get used to it) and afterwards for the next tampon you use the applicator like for the first. The applicator comes near the tampon for most of them... make sure you read the label! O.B. does not hold an applicator with their tampons. Anyways, this should help next to your issue of not wanting to see or touch so much blood from your period.

As for the medicine, I notably recommend Aleve as it is supposed to be the most effective for cramps and can last up to 12 hours. If you enjoy irritability with the cramping then try Pamprin (the regular strength tho). I don't know what's surrounded by Pamprin that works on calming irritability and fatigue, but it works like a charm for me! :) Hope this help!.
try not to look when your wiping. beleive me you will get used to it. you own periods for years and years and its one of those things.
Paracetamol on a full stomach usually does the trick for me. and also i find taking paracetamol 2 days before am due (this solely works if your period is always detonation on time) helps ease the backache once you do eventually come on. for the cramping if you go on the pill then your period are less painful and lighter and regular, for the entry about not liking seeing the blood im afraid you will hold to get used to it as you'll have it for the subsequent 30 years at least. sorry

gd luck and hope you get over it x.
You will get hold of used it it.
A good thing something like using tampons is the blood is absorbed in the body so you don't see much. It also keep air from the blood so it doesn't smell.

Advil helps beside my cramps. Some swear by Mydol..
Well you're going to have to get used to it, or of late don't look at it. When you wipe, just stick it in the toilet and flush minus looking, and wear tampons so you don't have to see the blood! Midol is good for cramping. If you grasp birth control it will be good for cramping an other pms symptoms and will give you shoter lighter period..
I think alot of women feel this agency the first couple of times. After that it just sort of becomes "normal". Midol or advil work for me. All I can articulate is get used to seeing it. As for cramping, Tylenol or Midol help..
I be like that at first but I got used to it.

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