How to take proper care of health after 40?

Answers:    Annual health checkup will tell the condition of of your body in regard to overall health.
Hi! Please ensure you take additional food supplements with your diet as the body's ability to extract nutrients from the food you consume goes down by age. Also make sure your Iron and Calcium level is good, you can take nutrition supplements as well for this. Please do yoga or walk atleast 2kms everyday. Go for regular health checkups, atleast once in 6 months. Stop eating Junk food, no burgers, pizzas, coke or fried potatos. Include atleast 4 to 5 servings of fruits in your daily intake. Increase the nuumber of times you consume food rather than consuming in large quantities during lunch and dinner. I am nutritionist and you can reach me at bhavneet2110(a) for further information. Wish you all the very best. Best Regards. well stay sexual active um if you can stay healy about 3 years you get 10 years more to your life eat right by not going to fast food
eat brefast sleep more like 6 to 8 hours cause the older you are the more time your body need to recover by sleeping work out 2 a week
brush your teeth more. its ok just stay healthy by few years there fews there that would give about 2 decades that why 100 years older by doing this
if you need glasses wear them eat wat you need not what you want cause it can trick your body like soda drink about 6 to8 glasses of water a day .
eat right, NO JUNK FOOD, drink healthy beverages like water, gatorade, limit cokes as much as possible, NO FAST FOOD that contains 10 pounds of grease and salt, take vitamins and supliments, exercise daily, try walking everyday, get enough sleep, get regular checkups, treat your body as though you were competing in the olympics. Take lots of colon cleaners like cascara Segrada and do parasite cleansers like ParaGone and Go to a doctor and see what you need more of and what your lacking in your blood stream like iron so you can stalk up more on that. Simple stuff like that. Exersise (like taking a walk every day). You know. hope it helps!.
and last but not least...walk!

Walking moves all your joints so arthritis won't catch you, helps keep your digestive tract 'moving', keeps the major muscles in shape, improves mood, keeps heart and lungs in good shape..

Did I mention walk?.
Poop alot. That will help your insides.

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