How to business deal beside irregular period?

i'm 14 and my periods are all over the place. there's no rhyme or apology! when should they balance out? how can i deal beside this? it's too expensive to wear pads everyday!! HELP!

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Hey, Your periods can be totally irregular for the first couple of years - you're body a moment ago needs time to adjust to having them. It should start to become regular when your 16+. If its okay beside your parents you could go on birth control, this will make your term come every 28 days. Most doctors will happily prescribe it for you. It's probably uncomfortable to wear a wad everyday and as you said very expensive, so just be paid sure you have a pad near you all the time so that as soon as you feel your term you can go to the toilet a put one on. Periods are usually light when you're only just beginning it so it's unlikely you'll leak through to your clothes.
I know it sucks, but try not to stress give or take a few it as this will mess them up too :-)
Good Luck

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everybody's bodies is different. it is norm to get irregular periods when childlike. i would recommend wearin panty liners everyday. (they are cheaper and more comfortable) but have a spare wad handy in ur bag a moment ago incase. thts wat i do. i am 19 and periods in regular cycle but still wear liner and carry pad jut incase as never want to b caught out.

hope this help u save sum money

A cross-question lately for girls?

take yaz a birth control pill that lend a hand regulated periods and even helps next to your skin, Its very light so it won't mess next to your hormones.

Im taking yaz right now and I haven gotten any bad sytoms.

Go obtain checked and the doctors with talk to you and will minister to you decide what pill works out for you :]

Good luck

Really feeling guilty...inevitability comments...?

seek or consult a doctor. there's something wrong and u involve medical explanations. you'll know and see.

For the meantime, have a regular exercise and balance be precise effective.

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I'm 35 and mine never became regular unless I be on the pill. Talk to your mom about that.

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