How much should a 5ft2 20year outmoded weigh?


What does your vaginal discharge smell approaching?

It depends on their sex, frame size, and physique.

Is it majority for a juvenile girl to gain substance?

Use this BMI calculator to see if you are in a healthy gamut:

Absent minded?

between 101 and 135 lbs...personally if you're really petite then you should weigh around 115, hope i helped!

Can blunt force trauma motive long-term destroy to vagina?

for girls, umm 165?

haha jk, umm 110 - 130?

Tampons or pad cross-examine?

So, i asked previously that cross-question something like masturbation...?
How long will it nick to seize skinny?
2 lightheaded lines...?
  • Birth Control Recommendation?
  • Why can't i gain any counterweight?/

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