How much is an abortion within illinois? &if your 13, can you do it lacking your parents anyone told?


Answers:    No idea sorry. But it really is sad (and I mingy SAD) how so many young children are have sex and having babies, when they're barely babies themselves!.
not to sure how much the cost is, im from New Zealand and its free here. No you can't obtain it done without your parents permission not to sure what the regulation is over there. if it is you that is pregnant you should narrate your parents, im not going to tell you whether its good or unpromising being pregnant at 13 coz i've been in that and that, but if you do abort please go to a support group or something/someone you can lean on, don't carry this on your own. I dunno the cost but i dont ruminate you can get it done without getting parents concurrence.I have something to say in the region of abortion:if a girl is raped by some dirty old man etc then i presume abortion is ok but if you just had sex near your bf and you got pregnant then i dont judge its right to kill a child for your own mistake...look at it this way you will enjoy to tell your parents at some stage!.
Please tell your mom at lowest hon.
I got pregnant at 14, I was soooo anxious.
I ended up miscarrying.
Let your mom help you (no issue how mad she gets).
She will eventually get over it.
Get some birth control too hon.
Seriously, make clear to your mom.
In the end, you will be glad you did.
I'm not sure about the cost any. But wouldn't they be asking questions if you are having an abortion at the age of 13? They probably wouldn't do it lacking your parent's permission. Tell your parents about it. Its better to inform them now or its too late. The ruling says that you need their approval or notice. Sorry..
13 and pregnant? Tsk tsk. so sad

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