How far along surrounded by a pregnancy do you hold to be to see the pregnancy within a vaginal sonogram?

I went to the dr today after having a great deal of cramping (and 2 positive pregnancy tests). My period isn't supposed to start for 4 more days. They did both a vaginal as well as an abdominal sonogram, and said that I have a ruptured cyst. I was wondering if the ruptured cyst caused the pregnancy audition to be positive, or am I pregnant? And if I'm pregnant shouldn't they have been competent to see a baby or a sign of a pregnancy on the sonogram/s? If I was pregnant, I would guess that I would be going on for 3 weeks. (It's still 4 days before my period is supposed to start). Help!

Answers:    The earliest sign of a pregnancy see on transvaginal ultrasound would be the gestational sac within the uterus. This can be seen as precipitate as the fourth week of pregnancy, but may not be seen until the fifth week. A fetal pole cannot be seen until the sixth week. It is terribly likely that your are just too hasty in your pregnancy for it to be detected via ultrasound. Your OB/GYN should have you programmed for a follow up ultrasound in a week or two. Try to relax until then, as everything is probably only just fine. Spending the time in between these scan worrying will only be hazardous to you and your baby's robustness. Best wishes..

You can check my information regarding early pregnancy and ultrasounds here:
Ive have an adominal scan at 6 weeks :ie 3 weeks post ovulation and a heart beat was dectected. This I have to have due to several lost pregnancy's.
Wait another 5 days and if you have not have your period commenced then do a home try-out, if positive get to the dr's and ask for a blood test to confirm the pregnancy!
You might very well have had a ruptured cyst, or a mass ovulation near cystic spaces.
good luck and recheck within 5 days, pregnancy is measured on HCG level could well be that pregnancy is eptopic. be carefull

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