Do I entail to see my obgyn or is this ordinary?

My fiance and I have been sexually alive together for two years now. I have never experienced strain during intercourse before, but every time we have be intimate these past two weeks or so i get a sore hurting inkling near the cervix. Has anyone else experienced this? should i see my obgyn? I'm really worried about what this might be, does anyone own an explaination?

Answers:    From experience, HPV can cause cervical pain, so get hold of tested for that just in defence (though its SUPER common)

Also, it depends on the time of the month, and how deep he goes, the cervix regularly changes position.

Either way, turn to your obgyn just to make sure everything is fine, I have the same problem (pain started after 2 years.) Turned out to be HPV, but now my body get rid of it and the pain is gone.

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