How Do I Insert a Tampon?

I'm thirteen years old, and am currently in the middle of my term. I desperately need to know how to insert a tampon! I've read the instructions inside the box, read plenty of the same type question on this site. I've also visited bazillions of other sites. But there MIGHT be a problem, although I'm not sure. I read almost a micropeforate hymen, and I think I might have one. When I try to insert the tampon, not just is there extreme pain (which I've read in the region of, and am almost positive is normal), but it's like there's no hole for it to go into. I've tried lots of angles, and tried standing/ squatting. My mom (thankfully) is is person very helpful. She's given lots of tips and tricks, and is even prepared to try to help me insert it, but I'm saving as my closing lifeline. I know there are lots of these type of questions, but please, please, please assist! Thanks a million!

Girls - how do you accord beside have a small bladder?

I had to teach my cousin so I will relate you what I told her. Get a small mirror and take a look at what you got. Feel around and locate your vagina. It will be at the bottom of your inner orifice. Since you are young it may be not very discernible pull your lips start on some and you will see it. Take the smallest tampon possible (Tampax Lite are smallest I know of) and put a little water or lubericant on the termination of it. Take a deep breath and slide it in as you blow out the breath. Once its contained by up to the finger ridge on the applicator push the plunger on the applicator. The cardboard should slide out as the cotton tampon slides in. It may feel unusual at first but should not hurt. If all else fails permit your mom show you since she is willing and once you feel and see how to do it you should know how to do it yourself after that.

Girl muscles?

Silly! If you have a hymen, stop forcing the tampon. Use a pad. They're SOOOO much easier. And don't be afraid that everyone uses tampons.

Many girls at my academy use pads. Even juniors and elder girls.
No problem. ^^

For girls!!Are you suppoed to enjoy spike down their which also go to your butt?

just try it shouldnt hurt! i have matching thing as you. sometimes you have to lurk a couple of times before you ge you period to try. try calling ur doc

Um... leak?

first of adjectives RELAX,i find standing up very helpful,

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i'll show you.

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