How come my legs hold giving mode on me after sex?

im a girl of 15 and i had sex with my boyfriend for the first time 2 days ago and my legs hurt reali discouraging but yesterday my legs gave way from underneath me and i fell to the floor unable to stand for a few mins
i dont think thats usual or is it? please help me if you know anything

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Its because he had u some really worried positions that ur legs aren accustomed to and perhaps u were doin it rough too. so ur muscles are tired so as soon as u attain up from the bed, ull drop to the floor. its unexpectin.. but at least u kno u had some pious sex lol

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It's not gross. But from what I know about sex, it is very average for it to exhaust you afterwards. Besides, if you think about it, it's pretty much like as exercise! Your leg muscles are probably cramping from the overload of using them.

Next time, try stretching out your legs. It will help make them more flexible and smaller quantity prone to cramping. This is what runners do before running on the track.

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it's the same near any physical activity... you wore out your legs in positions you probably never excercised past. Same principle as if you do a bunch of push ups your arms might get sore.

If it occurs on a continuing foundation you need to see a doctor. And what are you doing having sex at age 15?? wtf have the world come to.

Can adjectives you guys AND girls present me some tips. please dont feel this is innapropriate.?

Guaranteed, 20 years from now (trust me, that's not as old as it seem now) you will look back on your decision to start have sex at 15 with regret. That is, unless you end up tough and burnt out and going through relationship after relationship. Oh, let's not forget different fathers for respectively kid.

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Your body is not ready for that kind of stuff. Just be a kid trust me you'll will you didn't do that if you end up knocked up.You requirement to quit having sex I had a child at 16 and although he is a wonderful child I really longing I would have waited. My son is 8 and I really aspiration I could of enjoyed my child hood.Sex is not really that great!

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You were probably using muscles you really don't use that much try stretching earlier you do "it" again and don't rush to get up quickyl afterward.

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i think its becuse of the method you did it. and besides youre way too young to do that sort of stuff.

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wow,sure doesnt sound normal..conceivably it had to do with the opening you do it or the position,,haha,im not sure but i wouldnt know..

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your are 15 what are you doing having sex? well any ways its because your legs are still worn out from have sex.

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Yep, it's the jelly legs! Totally normal! I hope you are practicing safe sex!

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It's your body trying to put in the picture you that you are not ready for sex.

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It's usually because your legs are tired. I haven't heard of it persistent 2 days though...

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Because your legs are still tired from it.

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jk. i dont think ur legs hold anything to do with sex
its probably a coincidence

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