How can I train my body to get up at 4 am?? ?

Answers:    you said it have to RE-TRAIN your BRAIN. It is a gradual process but it is crucial that you remember that you still need that right amount of sleep for YOU. Alarm clocks are good but remember to put them OUT OF REACH OF WHERE YOU SLEEP. Why? This forces you to get out of bed to shut it off and more likely you will wake up.

It's your personal preference. I personally can't go to bed at 8pm in order to have my 8 hours sleep, I'm better having a few hours, five or six at the most so I've not gone into a deep sleep, so then I can get up better. I end up clock watching through the night, which is bad, but then I can get up fine because I've not had a deep sleep, I suppose it's like cat napping. You could go to bed at 8pm though or snooze your alarm, but I get up straight away, your call!x Set the alarm for 4 AM. Put the clock on the other side of the room. When it goes off, get out of bed to turn it off and leave your bedroom. Do it everyday until you are used to it. There is no other way to achieve this unless you have always loved getting up that early. .
Go to sleep earlier, your body will want to wake earlier. Try taking MELATONIN, a natural sleep aid, to help you crash earlier in the night. Also, don't eat anything after an hour before you go to bed. Good luck. You need to go to sleep early and use more than 1 alarm.

Also if you drink a lot of water before going to sleep you eventually have to wake up early to go to the bathroom.
go to bed at atleast 8pm, so you get the 8hours sleep necessary.. Eventually your body will get into a routine. go to bed really early and set an alarm and then right when u get up take a shower then eat you should be awake by then.
sleep at 8 pm

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