Help,vaginal discharge?

im twelve and havent gotten my perios yet. what i did have be a yeast infection. the itcing has stoped but now i hold fluid comeing out og my vigina that has a horrible very foul smell, does this close-fisted i have the infection still, what should i do??

Question i entail ur lend a hand on?

Yes, it sounds like you obstinately still have infection. It is a little mortifying - I know, but the best option would be to tell your parents and they can help yourself to you to the doctors and get some anti-biotics to clear it up.

It is perfectly typical to have some fluid coming from your vagina. This is your vagina's natural road of cleaning itself. It can be clear, white, running or sticky - all are perfectly commonplace. But what your describing sounds like an infection. One thing I do not support you to do is buy cleansing products, these strip you vagina of all bacteria (even the dutiful stuff) and can make infections worse. There are pills and medicines you can buy such as canesten, but the best choice is to go to the doctor.

Good luck

I'm taking lexapro for my depression and...?

yup, it does, i had the exact same entry. if the discharge smells, that means that you probably still have the infection. I suggest you use a vaginal cleanser call "Vagisil" or was it "Vagisal". oh well, something similar to that... when I used it, my infection went away, but regular discharge is very majority. It is you vagina's way of cleansing itself. If there is alot of discharge, use a pantiliner.

Of what practical rush is the hymen?

you could enjoy a vaginal bacteria that you thought was a yeast infection or it breed from that. or you could hold the dreaded clamydia (spelling?). if it doesnt clear up in a day or two after i would go see a doctor so it doesnt turn into a bad infection. but you never know, it could be a moment ago that the PH levels are off.

What do you reckon?? ( 10 points best advise)?

It could in a minute be a bacterial infection or it could be your body trying to get rid of all the meds and yeast infection. If it doesn't clear up surrounded by 1 or 2 days, see your doctor again.

My niece have no uterus and a closed vagina. I have need of feedback from ppl who hold be through this?

it sounds like ayeast infection, tell your parents who will consult a doctor, this can be treated next to a course of antibiotics..

no need to worry

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consult your doctor, they can assist and advise you.

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