Help first time?????????????

ok so im going to try to start using tampons instead of pads because they feel ooze a giant nappyiv tryd using them before and i didnt insert it for anouth but at the time i didnt no what was wrong and ya it really hurt brcause i go on this holiday thing with college and we wee goin in water so could you share me what to do i know theres instructions but i need more details thancs in credit

Answers:    yah i hate talking to my mom in the order of that stuff..
but there should be a little picture on the box that tell you
or google it

the tip i can give you is RELAX. it hurts ten times less if you relax when you put it contained by and take it out.
You're best bet is to get the tampons next to the applicators. You put the applicator in a little more after half way afterwards push up the bottom bit. It hurt me the first time too and does take a little while to achieve used to. I didn't put the first one in far enough up and it hurt as I moved around. Just try it when you're at home- no plans freshly try it- you can always take it out again. Remember don't give notice them in for more than 8 hours. Are you a virgin? If you are you should go surrounded by the aisle with the tampons and use the slender applicator because the regulars are so big. Now if you need to know where on earth to insert the tampon go look in the mirror and you will find where on earth the tampon belongs but if not then perceive your way with the tampon around your lower maw area in the center and once you touch a space then push the applicator in(just a little bit) to be paid sure that it is in place and then push the bottom of the applicator up(while keeping the applicator contained by place in between your fingers so the whole piece doesn't go in. And once you quality the tampon in then verbs the applicator out..
If you haven't had sex or masturbated, it might feel a touch uncomfortable to insert. When you put them in, form sure they are in all the approach otherwise it will be uncomfortable. Make sure the bottom of the tampon is in adjectives the way with your finger. On the first morning of your period I would use a pad and on the second I would try the tampon (it will be more drizzly from the blood and go in for a while easier). Don't rush it.. take your time with it. Also particularly important, remember that your vagina doesn't go straight up, it's at a slight angle, pay packet attention to that when you're putting it in otherwise you'll feel similar to it won't go in any more. when i first used tampons it hurt but i walk around for a little while and it didnt hurt and i dint feel it. and when i first used them i used pantliners near them so it wouldnt leak cuz i was panicky at first they would leak when i went to sleep at hours of darkness and you just one in your vagina and push the train of the aplicator in (will fell weird at first it still fell weird now for me) and only just pull the string in 4-8 hours (when your suppose to set off it in) and insert a new one .
if you are going to try to put in a tampon, i suggest putting one foot up on the toilet or on your tub as if you be to take the first step on a set of stairs. or if that doesn't work, just spread them and put it surrounded by.

If you are still having trouble, using a little bit of sea as a lubricant usually helps.

Good luck!.
Tampons are a good as millions of women use it. First time users complain give or take a few the uneasiness as something is inside the vagina but even using a pad can be discomfited for the first time.
Use it and have fun all the best.
Stay Happy! .
Ask your mom.
But theres also a diagram on the tampon boxes. ASK YOUR MOTHER!


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