Help contained by moving on obligation my natural life to attain better

my ex she was my First ever girlfriend and my first ever sexual experience. i loved her very much. she kept on axiom that she was fat and misshapen. i kept on saying there is nought wrong with you size of your body because i like bigger cuddly woman and i said to her that she be hot and sexy to her.

she kept on breacking my heart by saying that she loves me and then newly want to be friends and 2 week later that she loves me again and being surrounded by so much love with her i kept on taking her back. and doing that kept on breacking my heart over and over again and a again. untill i said i never want to speak to her again because i could put up near it anymore if you now what i mean. i haven't spoken to her within over 4 months but why can't i move on proply. i want to get rear into the dating game again but i feel resembling i have somthing stopping me goin up to a girl could it be fear stooping me please some one facilitate. and can someone help me because i dont know what to say to a girl more or less asking her out like what to say ect i can chat to them but that next step i stop. thank you all for helpping me.

Answers:    If you touch you are not ready to go and date again afterwards don't...just wait as long as you necessitate.
Over time you will feel better and the pain will shift me iv been in your situation deeply of times!
A break up is never easy for anyone.
It could be the fear of have your heart broken by another girl that is holding you back. Just transport it slow, don't approach a girl with a 'line'...just start discussion to her. Start out with a simple "Hello" and a smile if you are at a loss for words. :) If your timing is right the two of you will start up a conversation and it will be easier to ask if she would like to dance out sometime. Just try to relax and don't put so much pressure on yourself. :) Good luck!

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