Having my term every 10 days?

Hey everyone! I'm fourteen years old and ever since the first week in July I've be having my period every ten days. Before that, it come at the end of every month starting in December 07. It's getting really annoying >[ Can anyone relief? Thanks a bunchh.

Answers:    That's not normal. At all.

I would build an appointment with a gynecologist. They can put you on Birth Control that will make a tremendous promotion.

*short, light periods
*more time surrounded by between each period
*less PMS symptoms.
It sounds resembling it's a major annoyance, but nothing serious. If you are bleeding for a prolonged extent of time, you may become anemic. That's the only concern. It's normal to be irregular at your age. If it is affecting your robustness and general life (it sounds similar to it is), see a gyno. She may be able to prescribe birth control pills to make your cycle more regular and predictable. Good luck! could newly be your body trying to regulate, i really wouldnt panic, unless its a lot of blood surrounded by which case i would take iron supplements to prevent becoming anaemic.
this is conventional for some women, and you didnt start that long ago - it takes about a year to attain regualr every month.
good luck!
maybe its newly spotting. and if you really think its a full blown period, afterwards you need to have your mom hold you to a doctor to get it checked on and see what could possibly be causing it Birth control pills are a great regulator.
There IS zilch better..
sounds like you need to be in motion to the obgyn to make sure you not hemroging

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