Girls facilitate please!!...

okay i started my period this morning and it was really creepy i am individual 12 and my cousins birthday party is tomorrow and we r going swimming and i want to go to but i dont know how to run swimming on my period

Answers:    avoid or you may color the pool red ,.
Don't fret! Periods are just a bearing of telling us that our body works =)

Happy birthday to your cousin =)

You have a few option to consider:
1. Tampon. Now if your hymen has broken it won't hurt... but if it hasn't it can hurt and feel horrible putting it surrounded by. I steer clear of these buggers!
2. Is your period light? And by pale I mean: is there minimal blood? If there's only just any blood no one's gonna notice when you go swimming. If there's abundantly of blood avoid the pool all together.
3. If you don't like any of these you're pretty stuck... tell your cousin about it, conceivably she'll understand..? You could just sit by the pool and chill!
4. This is something an antediluvian teacher of mine told me, but only use it if you're deperate: jump to the bathroom DIRECTLY before you swim. Take off your towell and throw it away and seize in the pool as quick as you can. The moment you procure out the pool go back to the bathroom and put another wad on. Cold water is supposed to stop your flow.

Hope I helped!
Amy x.
what you do is you use a tampon, you stick it up contained by your v*gina. But when you do read the instructions and relax when putting it in. push it up farther in too. stand up, skip up and down, do a little dance up to that time you leave the bathroom, if you can feel it after it isnt in all the agency and you need to push it in farther or run it out b/c it can work its way out. hope i helped... email me if you own any questions hatsuharu93(a) 12 is actually a pretty regular age for getting your period. the range is anywhere from 10 to 16. some bring back it even earlier or later than that. you can a short time ago use a tampon. it'll be fine. there's directions on the box or in a packet in the box. don't verbs. just remember to change it after 4 hours..
You're proberbly not that immense .
You're period slows down in hose anyway .
So if you feel compfortable you could try wearing nouthing .
If not , try a tampon . If you dont want to . you'll have to sit out of the swimming .
You requirement a tampon, I think you are a little infantile since you just started it today, so I would just speak that you don't feel good if someone asks you to dance swimming.

Good luck and welcome to womenhood..
use a tampon, it wont leak! i go to aruba last month and i had my spell and i was afraid it was gonna slick but it didn't! so don't be afraid! Looks like you're not going swimming! Unless you can insert a tampon which is doable! Talk to you ma!.
use a tanpom you can go swiming and wallow in the party Same here.
I Have to go swimming at my cousins participant today!
and yes period.
ima jus use a tampon :)

Use a tampon. They arn't really that hard to put contained by and you'll love them.! I would try a tampon. It is what my mother had me use so I could enjoy the marine. Just remember to change it or trouble in sea land..
um...use a tampon I guess. u cud try a tampon...but idk since this is ur first time.

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