Girls with the sole purpose..?

is it normal to have bigger nipples , i revulsion them so much , i never want to take my bra off, is at hand anyway ican make them smaller?

I suggest somethings wrong beside me.?

you should have adressed this interview to the guys and there would have be a beeline for these suckable nipples, they are an asset you have which very few are endowed next to.

I hear some point and i be hoping that you peoples can lend a hand me?

I say embrace your body for what it is. See it as beautiful and that will variety it be true. I used to fret about MY nipples.they are flat and only find 'perky' when stimulated for a very long time. It made me feel irregular..but now I see them as my beauties. Next time you perceive lousy about a part of your body merely keep in mind EVERYONE have insecurities about the way they look, smell, morsel, etc. And if anyone is mean to you because of the way God made you afterwards you don't need them in your duration. And fyi if you are young and still in college and other girls or even if boys say somethng about it (which they wont) only keep in mind that ethnic group who 'bully' and make fun of others and the most insecure humans on our planet themselves..they are worried about a furry mole on their buttcheek or excess sweat in their crotch that smells at the end of the light of day. Nobody is airbrushed and perfect like within magazines and on tv. Learn to be okay with yourself.

Where is the crazyest place you enjoy have sex?

I hold large areola's too and I was immensely self-concious about them at first. I didn't want anyone to see me naked. I read that bigger chested women tend to enjoy that and that from an evolutionary perspective it's actually attractive and desireable to men. I didn't believe that until the man I'm with told me how much he loved mine and be so glad they were like that. Plus it's probably easier to breast nurture b/c the baby finds the nipple easier!

Please women individual!?

I have huge nipples!! your not alone! haha i can`t stand it boyfriend actually made fun of me the first time he saw them!! haha not to scare you or anything tho:) dont verbs its normal...i just similar to to think that maybe by boobs will grow into them!:P

I am feminine 33, What is this intermittent shooting misery at the rear my right breast? I am abt 36 small D.?

Your chest will grow to game them. Adult men don't like women that look little girls. Small nipples are a turn-off to grown-ups. So, if anyone makes fun of you, it basically proves they are still a child.

When you finger a girl, what feel the best? (for girls)?

They come in all sizes! I would say-so don't be embarrassed.. there's nothing wrong beside that. Everyone's different.

Is sex during mensturation lead to pregnancy?

Is this true just about orgasms?!! :S?
Polycystic ovary syndrome.?
  • I lost my viginity on feb 15 and on feb 16th i started bleeding heavily built as if i have my extent.?
  • I took postnor 2 closing week afterwards due to inexorable situation i have unprotected sex again today surrounded by the morning?

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