Girls please answer?

i was just wondering.. is it possible to put a tampon within too far?..i'm not talking too far that you can't get it out. and no i haven't done this, i be just wondering if it could happen.?

Answers:    I've not hear of it. I understand that if you use an applicator, you can get the tampon surrounded by the right distance, so my advice would be to use these if you are worried.
Only problem I've come across is a girl who left her's contained by too long and got an infection. This is what I'm cautious almost..
No. there's nowhere for it to go! (unless your vagina is indeed a black hole.) And the applicator can only push it contained by so far as well. It used to be a case of the strings snapping cause them to get 'lost' up there but that doesn't come up now on account of the strings man sewn into the tampon really well. I believe the FAQ leaflet inside most boxes of tampons explains why tampons can't travel in that far. Nope. There's only so far "in" an express doubts can go, as at the end of the vaginal strait there is a dead finish, blocked by the cervix, which (unless in the process of giving birth) will remain too tightly shut for anything to pass through into the uterus. :) .
haha. no. dont verbs...

It CANT get lost. lol

but the farther it's in, te more comfortable you'll be.

so once youve inserted the applicator, tighten your muscles realllly tight, and consequently insert it as far as you can go...

You won't feel the tampon at adjectives!!

Just don't forget it's there!.
No, the tampon goes glorious enough so that the walls of the opening of your vagina squeeze together and hold it into place. I suppose if you really tried to, you possibly could, but it would cart quite some effort. No you can't put it surrounded by too far. I was reading an article in cosmo yesterday that said you can't put it within too far. It will come out and it can't get lost..
umm no i dont think so because when i be young all the girls go to the meeting talking around puberty and a doctor said (i'm not sure though) that the tampon will only stop and can't go farther. this is true. my friend be tired and sort of drunk and she forgot to take out her tampon. it got kinda stuck. she get it out but it was too far in her. thats what she told me..
I havn't tried!

But I'm sure they're designed so they don't grasp stuck, and I havn't had any problems except the obvious damn discomfited issue!.
no, your cervix will stop the tampon from going any further, it might hurt though if you push really far and cram it up against your cervix. uhh, i don't think you could if you didn't want to...
but, maybe, who know?!

answer mine please??
I suppose it is possible, although you would probably have to really work at it. No, your body stops it before it cam shift in too far, but it CAN get stuck to where on earth you cant pull it out..
my friend was using them and once she put she couldn't attain it out cuz she put it very far and deep.Be diligent! no. were you put it in. (sorry forgot the name) is solely so big. and cant get too far in or take lost as some people think.
haha no it's not a black hole No, you can't..
yeah, possible, purely make sure u can get it out. waa i dont know i dont own my PERIOD.
Not that I know of...

i once thought I lost one in there (long story)... and when I saw my OBGYN she said nearby is nowhere for it to hide... haha..
Negative, can't happen. Your vage is not some never end hole. No, you cant (:.

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