GIRLS HELP! I can't wear tampons!?
Answers: Your flow might not be that calorific so it may be hard to put one it. Try and put a tampon in when you are at your heaviest time. It is going to hurt when you put the tampons within for 6 months or so. You just have to bring back used to it. Make sure you are very relaxed and your legs are spread apart. Be very easy-going! Read the directions, but don't get nervous. For the first few months I really found it caring to look at something and keep my eyes on it. I found it easier to concentrate when I did that. Just a little tip. Don't quality like you HAVE to use tampons! It's really all contained by your head.
Good luck! :).
Knowing your body is very major, so when you don't have your period try taking a mirror and using it to look down within, find the hole with your fingers, it's in the middle of the slit of skin after the one pee comes out and formerly your anus.
Relax, being tense only makes it worse. Try squatting a little so that in attendance is more room or lying on your bed with your knees up by your chest. Use a small size, I think playtex make a juniors size and make sure it have a plastic applicator. Once you have found the hole slowly push it in so that it's pointing slightly towards the small of your fund, not straight up. And make sure you put it in adjectives the way (there is no where for it to gain lost so don't worry about that), if it's not within all the way it will hurt. If you consistency a little tight don't worry make tracks it in for a bit, the vagina is just similar to any other muscle and needs to be stretched out a little bit.
Good luck and don't verbs when your starting out it can be a little crazy..
the same item hapened 2 me but if ur standing up and have one leg on the toilet and u have the aplacaton rather bit in ur vagina try pushing it towards ur back and push and if that dosent work try pushing more to ur belly after u may want 2 push a lil farther next to ur finger platez gentel glide works best for me but dont even try or practice until u have ur time of year cause wen u dont have ur spell it will hurt 2 take it out cause its not raining did you put it in the right whole. you do own 2 down there you know. maybe you are too stressed only try to relax when you do it. once you get one in the rest should be fine. and if you still cant lately wear a pad instead. i have have my period for 3 years and i dont wear tampons..
Depending on the position you're in it can become easier. using a mirror might give support to. Try laying down while you put it in. And don't verbs about going in too far. Buying a lubricator resembling KY will also be helpful for you while you're getting used to getting it up there. worthy luck! You might be using one with too high of an absorbancy, try a bedside light flow and Tampax even makes a very street lamp flow tampon that should be less painful. Don't force it though, ask your mum if you enjoy more questions. .
you are probably putting the tampon in the hole pee comes out near is another hole farther back where the tampon go. Keep trying. You'll get it. It might take until subsequent month, but it'll be worth it. Try junior (or light) absorbency tampons..
If you can't put one in then Just Wear a wad. You need to seperate your legs more.
Why don't you read the instructions?.
I can't either...I consider it's becase I'm still a virgin