Feminine itching..misery..burning.. HELP!?

A few weeks back I went to my gyno and found out I have a yeast infection (my second in 2 years). I was prescribed a Diflucan and took it a few days then. The last time I had a yeast infection, due to candida, the Diflucan worked wonders. This time, NOTHING!

The nouns around my vagina is red, sore, itchy. There's dry skin. It's even flaking and I'm "sticking" to myself. :-( I feel so embarassed even typing this but I'm at my wits end! I've be having more discharge than normal, so much so that I obligation to wear pantyliners and change them often. I have a slight tear above my vagina and when I scratch (bad infatuation of scratching) it sometimes bleeds slightly.

I don't know what is going on! I'm scared and freaking out. Is this more than a yeast infection?? What could it be?? Please only serious answers... :-( I've solely been with ONE human being.. any help is greatly appreciated! :-(

The hpv shot?

It sounds like you own an infection of some kind. You might need something more approaching an antibiotic rather than Diflucan. Can you get to a doctor?
I dont dream up the shaving has anything to do with it.

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it could in recent times be a really bad yeast infection, however im very sorry but theres no other alternative bar going to the GP's or local hospital and have a high vaginal swab which will confirm the problem and put your mind at rest.

its deeply common, im a nurse and worked at Gynae A&E for a while and saw things like this adjectives the time

good luck! xx

What iF??

Try canasten with the pessary, you pop it up at hand and it gets rid of it straight away, the cream will soothe the itching.

It sounds like another bout of thrush from my point of judgment, go with the canasten cream/pessary which you can buy from your local pharmacy.

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i would see your doctor as soon as possible
but perchance in the mean time you could buy oinments resembling vagisil or something to relief the itching and soreness. hope that helped

Whenever I shave my pubic pelt I take these itchy/painful red bumps...get any solutions for me?

Go to the Doctor! ASAP

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I suppose that this time you took same medication without knowing what it really is. Well, in the first place frenzy is not an option. Different infections which have similar symptoms cannot be treated near the same medication. What is more I am not sure that you can immediately check surrounded by a lab what kind of infection you have, very soon that you have been taking the medication. I think that if you ask the gyn he ll tell you to loaf without taking anything for a couple of days and then hold it checked to take the appropriate one. It can be some sort of bacteria or STD not from your partner necessarily but from a toilet as all right. But it is not wise to jump into conclusions right in a minute and be scared for the worst scenario. Meanwhile don't shave and wash the nouns with mild chamomile soap and ask your gyn when you can have the testing. Trust me i know how horrible it feels but it is very effortless to be treated when you find out what it is. Have patience!

Tight vagina?? 10 points best answer!?

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Good option?
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