Feeling unsettled from a vitamin pill!?

Can I chew it? I feel nauseous almost adjectives day when I have it.

Answers:    try intake something like crackers or toast before taking the pill and drink plenty of hose if that does not work try talking to ur dr and see if there is so meting he can recommend .
It may be that the dosage is too lofty for you. Your body might be telling you that it really doesn't need those extra nutrients.

Try getting a pill splitter - or freshly cutting or breaking it in partially if it's easy enough - and taking partly of one. Do that for about a week if it doesn't make you too green about the gills.

If you still feel nauseous, try adjectives back to a half of one every other time and see if it will regulate itself in your system that way.

I don't recommend chewing it if it is not certainly a chewable vitamin. Not only do they taste shameful and may make you even more sick because of the taste but they are made to be swallowed and later released into the stomach and throughout the body for better coverage.

Try taking it with a meal even if the bottle say to take it on an empty stomach. Every doctor I own ever run across tells me that it's just a counsel, not a requirement and that by taking it with food, it could make it easier for your body to occupy.

If it still makes you nauseous even after adjectives of that, I'd say you probably don't really need it and your body's trying to read aloud "Hey, I'm good. Get this out of me!".
i suffered from the same item until my doctor told me to take them at night in recent times before bed so my body would have time to digest most of it previously i wake up. definitely help and all symptoms went away

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