Excercizing & dieting tips??
What date do you usually achieve your extent?
so far i've walked about 10 miles this week near my friend + 30 mins of pilates 2 or 3 days a week. for breakfast i have a non fat yogurt + coffee. for lunch i own salad ( i get a head of lettuce chop it up affix tuna + chopped onions + a little low fat mayo) + sometimes bad have it as a snack too. for dinner ill drink a grilled cutlet or shrimp + so far since 4/19 i've lost 6 pounds. my friend is actually comin over 2nite for 20 mins of pilates + were going to stroll 3miles. its so much easier 2 stay motivated if u have a friend 2 do it with. well brought-up luck!!This is the exercise and diet plan that I follow...it helps me stay full feeling adjectives day.
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