Every time I get through, I perceive sick?

My name is Piper, and I am 13 years old. I AM still a virgin, so dont even right to be heard I am pregnant.
It just started 2 days ago, but every time I eat something, my stomach hurts resembling I am going to throw up. I am happy/hyper until I eat, then for the subsequent hour or so, I am miserable. Any idea why?
P.S.- PLZ dont tell me to dance to the doctor and get any medication. I dont do medications. I believe they dont work. Infact, within has been a study that shows some medication is a speeding process to your departure.

Im worried im pregnant, please relief?

cramps. your eating on cramps and thats going to hurt so just appropriate it slow until ur body gets used to it

Breast Question??

ive had this beforehand,, just stick to fluids until it feels a bit better and i regard as its just an upset stomache

Birth Control Pills?! Stopped?!?

You probably acquired an allergy. Go return with tested.

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