Down There?


I notice that my underwear always seem to be wet, as if I am sweating down there... Is this in actual fact sweat? Caused from what?

My friends is to startle to ask anyone esle but can you obtain prego this means of access??

no, it's cervical mucus and vaginal discharge. it is perfectly normal and happen to everyone. if you pay attention, you'll probably find that it varies throughout the month surrounded by color, quantity, and texture.

Breasts lumpy?

it's discharge! i think perchance you're younger, but your grammer is good.

If it's just the sunken part of the underwear right below your vagina, then it's discharge, but if it's the WHOLE GARMENT afterwards definitely get it checked out.

Is sea (like surrounded by the shower or something) a appropriate lubricant for...?

yeah it could highly well be sweat, and it could be caused by mortal athletic.

Do I Have Low Potassium? I am amazingly sore? ANY NURSES AVAILABLE?

i have that sometimes to in the summer its usally sweat nothign serious tho dont verbs!

Weight Gain On Period?

it probably isnt is because when you get excited/turned on you c*m ...(come)

Yeast infection?

could be sweat!

wear cotton underwear and a pantyliner if you need it.

Virginity-related examine?

turn to a doctor strait away
it could well be life threatning

Y is it so strong for oodles men to see a woman within power?

Why is my belly big?
Is it true??
I am behind for my extent?
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