Does Soy Milk make your breasts grow?

Answers:    it has female hormones in it so I'm guessing it would.
No, soy milk will not help them grow. Women continue to grow and develop throughout their teen years and even into their early 20's.

Pills, herbs, massage, creams, etc., will not increase your bust size contrary to the claims that they make. If there really was a product that worked, it would be fantastically popular and many people would have bought it.

Here are the things that will increase breast size:
1. breast augmentation surgery
2. pregnancy
3. weight gain
4. (sometimes) birth control pills

Otherwise, you've got what you've got. Sorry!

good luck!

ps - the same goes for men with penis size except they don't have options 1-4 above :-).
LOL yeah the strawberry kind haha **** are you kidding me...
I better stop drinking that...
I dont' drink it...
calm down.
I SHOULD THINK NO . hm..idk..

if it dose i WANT SOME!!

no Umm... i drink it all the time, and i say no.

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