Does my friend possibly own mono?
last week she was really tired, she would catch big headaches when she ran or walk too fast, and whenever she used the energy that she have little of it would make it worse
I don't kno if she does or not but I'm asking cause my mum said she have it and she was really tired all the time so yea..GOOD answers plz, not answers jus to bring points :P
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Your friend may have mono or she could have the Flu. She should see her doctor as soon as she can to get hold of a blood test and make sure it isn't mono.My fiance have it and he was as sick as a dog. He could barely swallow or anything cus his throat hurt so doomed to failure. It started off like a cold for him. Being tired could also mingy that maybe she doesn't have plenty iron in her system. She should get that checked out.
I enjoy had it and it sucks.You sleep like 14 to 20 hours a year,and you feel horrible.It sounds like your friend might hold something,but I do not think it is mono.
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