Does ice work on a sun burn?

Answers:    a sun burn is like any other burn. yes ice will help. if you take the heat out it will stop burning. i had a terrible one once from falling asleep by a pool. i got bags of ice and put the in a tub of cold water. and stayed there till i couldnt take it anymore. when i got out I put noxima on and the burn never hurt again..
Ice does not, work on sun burns. a sun burn is a burn of the skin and when u get a burn if u put ice on it, the burn will peal. witch is not getting rid of the burn it is only un covering a more sensitive part of the burn that lies under the first layer of skin. Tyy using a mosterizing cream. It will not peal the skin but it will keep the burn under control Anything that relieves pain and hydrates the skin is good. So aloe, most moisturizing lotions, or something like an ice pack (not directly on the skin though, put a washcloth between the ice and the skin), or a painkiller such as Advil should help..
Yes it helps to take the heat off of it because you notice how if you touch it its just BURNING. also use aloe and some moisterizing lotions because otherwise you peel, really bad. Next time use sunscreen also! Not really, it might numb the pain for awhile. Put some aloe vera on it and let time do the healing..
no but cold showers and aloe vera lotion work nicely

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