Does birth control brand name your hormones unormal??
Answers: Nothing wrong with 32A - it's what I've get and I'm nineteen! I'm not ashamed if it either. :) I was other made fun of in highschool but once you get out near more mature people it will peroxide up.
Now to your question - birth control will not ruin your development. It simply tricks the body into not releasing an egg. It will not affect breast size or distance from the ground. It WILL give you shorter lighter periods, comfort with cramps, help beside acne, etc. It also may cause you to gain a little counterbalance (not much, just about ten pounds or so for me).
One great bearing to talk to your mom about it is to articulate that your periods are really heavy or extremely unpredictable and you know birth control pills can help with that. Or that you enjoy really bad cramps every month. usually though doctors don't like to furnish it out at that age but you can still ask for it..
Your breasts are still growing at 14. They will grow more naturally within the subsequent few years.
Taking the pill will not help them grow.
Girls are all different sizes. You're conventional.
When I was 14 I was smaller than you..
You don't necessitate birth control.
You're only 14. Your breasts aren't done growing yet.