Does birth control...?
Is this true??
Answers: It depends on what kind of birth control. Some can fashion you gain weight, but that's only near certain people. Everyone is different. I'm on Yasmine, which is a different form of Yaz and I haven't gain weight. And my acne has cleared up drastically. I'm vastly happy. If your bc isn't working for you then you report your doctor, but just be patient. It's typical to be concerned about what bc can do to you, so if you see any unusual things like weightiness gain, pain, whatever yak to your dr.
With certain people, bc can comfort them with many things, some find it help to regulate their periods, and makes them lighter. Others enjoy a tough time, and get more pain. Just be aware of any change for the worse. Then tell your dr. You should be okay though, most bc is tested and is safe..
Um, if you filch Yaz 9 out of 10 people experiance clearer skin.
And Thats kinda false..
When you usually gain weight, where on earth does it go?
Cause more then imagined thats where it will go.
My friends on it and she gain weight in her butt
but absolutley zilch in her boobs.
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Be Healthy and Happy! Yes, bcps do help clear acne but they don't really give you larger breasts. They also don't build you gain weight, thats a myth..
Yes, but not all the time. If you do experience this, purely exercise and eat right and you should not gain too much weight.