Do you regard as I could be pregnant???

I was VERY late for my time and when I got it, it was mostly simply brown discharge and a bit of red (it wasn't even really enough for a normal sized pad) The intact week it was mostly brown discharge and now I still own this and its been way over a week. Its be about 10 days and I still have this unnatural brown/sometimes red discharge not enough for a pad but satisfactory for a panty liner. I also have been super tired lately and don't appear to have any energy at adjectives.

I'm not on birth control and I'm sure I don't have any sort of STD.

What do you think this could be???

Answers:    At this point a pregnancy examination should provide reliable results and is the best way to tell. There are other things that can inflict your cycle to be different but if you're not on birth control of any kind later I'd rule out pregnancy first. You can continue to "cycle" for several months into it although it's usually much lighter than normal. Take a oral exam and see. If you doubt the results a doctor can order a blood pregnancy test which are more sensitive.

Another article to consider- did you have sex, protected or not, about 14 days prior to the kick-off of your period? (That is give or thieve 2 or 3 days). If so it's a possibility. If not, it is a lot less credible but still take a test to rule it out.

Oh yeah- how's your iron? That would be another entity that could affect your cycle and make you tired. If you're severely low on iron that is. Although usually vegans or vegetarian are at greatest risk if they don't supplement correctly- anyone lacking iron in the diet could hold a similar result. Like I said, there are a few other things that can cause that but rule out pregnancy and consequently go from there. Iron might be the subsequent thing to look at.

Good luck.

EDIT: To all those who enunciate she couldn't be pregnant because she got her period- that is INCORRECT. Many women verbs to have cycles even though they're pregnant. That's why some people don't integer it out until they're 3-4 months along. It's even mentioned in pregnancy books all over. Check it out. It's possible. (Typically it's lighter. Heavier than middle-of-the-road bleed can mean a lost pregnancy.)

Also- implantation bleeding is typically light spotting and doesn't closing as long as this has. Usually 1-2 days at the most. Not saying it isn't possible, but not probable. Implantation bleeding likely wouldn't happen when the extent is due either, but about 7-10 days prior (given a somewhat regular cycle)..
It IS possible that you are pregnant. I certainly think there is a fate of being prego myself. I threw up at 4 in the morning the other light of day, I have been consciousness like throwing up lately even more, I get the worst stomach pains, and I missed one of my pills closing week and had to take it the exceedingly next day. I'm in the order of to go to the doctor Thursday and take a examination while I'm there. Anything is possible. You can go to google and look up things that will lend a hand answer your question a little bit better. It is possible. If you are prego, consequently the bleeding could be from implatation bleeding, when the embryo implants into the uterus. The bleeding when this occurs is far smaller number than a period ususally, and is brownish, pinkish red in color. If your breasts are sore, thats a virtuous sign as well that you could be prego. Everyone will say this, but tis true, you call for to take a test consequently you will know. I would say that you sound close to your prego! God bless!.
Maybe and maybe not.. Sometimes period lately go weird close to that! The best thing you should do is go and see a doctor, you'll fine the right answer at the hospital. If you're to shy to move about and see the doctor, talk your mum or dad about this, I'm sure they'll think through you.

Please answer mine too:
i don't know what it is and i am not trying to be mean when i say this but you may wanna walk to the doctors and get checked out and just contained by case you wanna talk more i will supply you to my friends oh and get back to me and put in the picture me if you are It's possible.

Why can't I get a girlfriend.;...
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it could be pregnancy but it could also be infection. or both,.., go and get tested and then go to the GYNO to carry a physical and make sure it isnt an infection. the tired part and nouns of energy sound resembling pregnancy though...i would def get tested. good luck! if you have sex and this is all that happened instead of your spell then there is a terrifically good chance you will be pregnant.
try a pregnancy try-out; you can get the ones that give results 6 days before now.
it's worth finding out
nope, because if you ARE pregnant, then u won't enjoy your period at all.

and if u keep hold of on vomiting.

umm, u can go to google and search the syndromes of anyone pregnant, and if none of it occurs to you, than surely u are not..
It could be your body going through changes. But that sounds approaching a miscarriage or pregnancy. You need to test and budge to an OB/GYN either way. You don't want to move off it if you are having a miscarriage. Ok umm i finished my period 2 weeks ago
&& the finishing 3 days i had the SAMEE brown discharge not so much for a pad one liner.
umm individual way ur preg is if yu had S3xx andd the guys penus go upp ur V-J
best yu can do is take a pregnacy test. && if yu don't want to don't verbs its like yer period but irregular have sex changes your cycle like crazy! Considering you still get your period;; your chance of anyone pregnant;;you know what;;your probably not...
u could be cuz it could be pregnancy bleeding where the embrio is implanting itself within ur body. but dont make urself paranoid about that trust me ive have that happen to me alot!! ( getting parnanoid i mean) its your peroid not unless you use unprotective sex and ake a test.if you really are concern christen your family doctor ask him or her. rather later that you should be alright.
Idk see ur doctor;...
Help with mine?.
well if you have unprotected sex with a guy maybe. Just give somebody a lift a pregnancy test i don't think you are but the exam will let you know. You may have hepatitis..
anything is possible If you hold not had sex with a mannish human, you are not pregnant..
do you suffer from polycystic ovaries syndrom or suprarenal glands problems? Sounds like when i was, feel like i had the flu. you would be more next a few weeks so get a test. .
Maybe. attain a test asap.
go check it could be implantation bleeding.

Get a home question paper and see what happens.

Go to the dr. if it doesn't stop soon.
i know you probably know this but honestly its the BEST way to find mode, get a pregnancy test!
if that say positive then call planned fatherliness or a doctor and make an appointment. if it says gloomy then maybe its newly an abnormal period and you should keep on for your next and see if it continues and if it does then travel to a doctor. it doesnt sound possible that you could be but it could also just be adjectives in your head i've convinced myself more than once that i could be pregnant lol and i've if truth be told had a period similar to the one your talking about and i thought one and the same thing. but i wasnt. Goodluck

P.S to the girl above my answer YES YOU CAN GET YOUR PERIOD WHEN PREGNANT. my ex coworker had her time of year almost the whole full 9 months of her her pregnancy! crazy huh lol but yea its possible it happens alot to some ppl they can own one last period the first month.
It sounds similar to you could be pregnant, bu

it is also common to have a brownish discharge for awhile. This is probably "hoary blood" or oxidized blood that is being expelled.
You should cart a pregnancy test as soon as you can. if you are not pregnant , Spotting brown blood is an indication of old, dry blood to be precise for some reason in the cervix. The most adjectives reason is if you have sexual intercourse and irritation of the cervix cause a little tear. Not satisfactory that it comes flowing out, but like when you urinate or you wipe, you might see it on the tissue. Unless you are passing bright red blood and clots, brown spotting is pretty non-hazardous.
but if you are, spotting is perfectly normal contained by early pregnancy. One reason for this type of spotting is call implantation bleeding. This occurs approx. 2 weeks after conception and 4 weeks since your last menstrual interval. Another reason this could be happening is your body could be releasing antediluvian blood.

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